Medical Malpractice Attorney in Memphis, Tennessee

Holding Negligent Medical Professionals Accountable For Injuries And Deaths

The extensive schooling and experience required to become a doctor, nurse or another medical professional often lulls patients into a false sense of security, making them believe those in health care are immune to making mistakes. Unfortunately for those who have suffered injuries or the loss of a loved one because of a medical professional’s negligence, we know this isn’t true.

In Tennessee, doctors, nurses, orderlies, administrative staff and hospitals are all held to high standards of care. When these people are negligent or careless, accidents can happen that can leave patients suffering from serious or debilitating injuries or grieving the loss of a loved one. At Blount Law Firm, we represent patients and families throughout the Collierville area and the Mid-South when medical mistakes lead to tragedy.

We take the right legal steps to ensure that negligent parties are held accountable for their actions and that victims recover maximum compensation for their suffering.

Filing A Medical Malpractice Claim In Tennessee

A valid claim for medical malpractice must first establish that during treatment or care, the health care provider or health care facility violated or breached the standard of care. The standard of care typically refers to commonly accepted procedures and practices medical professionals are expected to follow when handling patient injuries, illnesses, diseases and other medical conditions.

In addition to this, a valid claim must also show that the breach of standard care resulted in an injury or death. Only when these two key pieces of evidence are identified can a medical professional be held liable for a victim’s medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related expenses.

Types Of Medical Malpractice Claims We Handle

For more than 70 years, our family-owned law firm has handled a wide range of personal injury claims, including many medical malpractice claims stemming from negligent or careless acts.

Our lead lawyer has years of legal experience in personal injury law and is known for being a highly-skilled litigator. Our firm can withstand the pressures of the courtroom, and we know how to handle the complexity of medical malpractice claims. We have extensive experience addressing:

  • Medication errors

  • Surgical errors — including wrong-site and wrong-patient surgeries as well as foreign object retention mistakes

  • Nursing home errors

  • Falls

  • Anesthesiology mistakes

  • OB/GYN mistakes — including inadequate routine or prenatal care, failure to monitor during delivery, failure to diagnose conditions and other mistakes that can lead to serious injuries, fatalities and serious injuries during delivery

  • Radiology mistakes

  • Lab mistakes

  • Failure to diagnose

  • Missed diagnoses

  • Hospital negligence — including implementation of unsafe hospital procedures, failure to update safety procedures and other forms of negligence

  • Staff negligence

  • IV mistakes — caused by inadequate training, general negligence or inexperience

  • Understaffing issues — resulting in overworked or fatigued staff and an inability to properly attend to patient needs

  • Inadequate background checks — resulting in the hiring of unskilled or dangerous staff

We Can Help You Overcome The Challenges You Could Face

Medical malpractice claims can present certain difficulties to victims that can make filing a claim a challenge without help from a skilled and experienced personal injury lawyer. Difficulties can include:

  • Limited medical and legal knowledge

  • Intimidation from the team of attorneys employed by the hospital

  • Pushback from the insurance company

  • State statute of limitations

In addition to the above difficulties, victims may not fully understand their rights under Tennessee law regarding filing a claim or how to talk to the insurance company in a manner that does not jeopardize their claim. Victims also may not take into consideration the full extent of their injuries, which can result in inferior settlement offers that don’t cover present and future medical and financial needs.

At Blount Law Firm, we provide our clients with the personal care and attention they need to ensure that they are taking the right steps in a timely manner after a medical mistake. We take a detail-oriented approach to collecting evidence — including medical records, eyewitness testimony, security footage and more — to ensure that your claim is sound and can withstand the highest level of scrutiny. We’re highly trained negotiators and litigators with years of experience.

We know how to effectively walk you through the legal process, and we’ve had success securing positive outcomes for clients in other medical malpractice cases.

Learn More About Your Legal Options

With the Tennessee statute of limitations for medical malpractice claims only giving victims one year after the discovery of an injury, it’s important to contact an attorney immediately if you suspect negligence or carelessness was the reason for your injury or loss of a loved one. Don’t miss out on your right to compensation.

If you would like to speak to a lawyer at our firm, contact our office in Collierville to schedule a free consultation.