Does Workers’ Compensation Cover All Work Injuries?

Blount Law Firm PLLC Oct. 5, 2018

Suffering an injury in a workplace accident affects employees and their families in many ways. In severe injuries, medical treatment and sometimes even physical rehabilitation may be necessary to recover fully. Many injuries also mean missing work for a time, sometimes just for a few days and other times for weeks or months.

Obviously, injured workers need assistance to cover the expenses related to workplace injuries and to help replace lost income. This is why the workers’ compensation system exists. The program provides benefits to injured workers while protecting employers from lawsuits. Without workers’ compensation, the legal system would become bogged down by work-related injury cases. As you can see, this system is not only beneficial for all parties, it is a necessary component of the American work system.

Like any other nationwide program, workers’ compensation is not without a few flaws. However, it is typically one of the easier government programs to navigate. This is because the program covers almost any work-related injury. Even when workers experience difficulty with their claims–employer retaliation, claim denials, etc. — it is not difficult to find legal assistance as most injury lawyers in Tennessee stay up to date with the program’s regulations.

Workers’ compensation covers injuries that occur performing your work duties. It may also cover injuries suffered on work breaks and even those that happen during work-related events like holiday parties or company picnics.

If an employee has a pre-existing condition that becomes aggravated by work duties, worker’s comp may provide coverage for treatment and missed work. For example, if you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome and your work activities cause your condition to resurface or worsen, you may qualify for benefits. In many cases, the program even covers mental or psychological conditions brought on by work stress.